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February 8, 2016

Planning an important event that a film shoot would disrupt? Here's a tip.

This past weekend I heard a friend tell me an unfortunate story of how a film shoot on his block ruined an important family event. His event had been 6 months in the planning. He received a two-day notice of the filming. He was lamenting that there was nothing anyone could do. 

In fact there is something he could have done. 

According to Arturo Pina a FilmLA, if you contact FilmLA prior to your event and give them a date, they will not issue a filming permit that would be a conflict. So, if you are planning an important event, consider notifying FilmLA and request that they withhold any permits that conflict with your festivities. 

And, it wouldn't be a bad idea to notify your Town Council Member at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. That’s a great event planning tip! I will definitely keep all this in mind while planning my upcoming birthday bash. Looking for an affordable event space Chicago having vintage interior to host my party in budget.
