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Guidelines for Altadena Neighbors and Filmmakers

Here's a list of documents that provide guidelines for Film Productions in Altadena

FilmLA: Filmmakers' code of professional responsibility
FilmLA has produced a guideline for filmmakers that defines how film crews should conduct business on location.

California Film Commission: Professional Filmmakers Code of Conduct
The California Film Commission has also produced a guideline for filmmakers that defines how film crews should conduct business on location.

California Film Commission: Guidelines for Best Practices in Film Regulations and Policies 
The California Film Commission has created a set of guidelines for communities that wish to promote film production in their community. A key recommendation is to "balance the needs of a production company with the concerns of local government and the local community."

Town Council's Altadena Filming Committe: Frequently Asked Questions
The Altadena Town Council established a Filming Committee to help Altadena neighbors and business better understand filming practices in the community. The Committee has produced a FAQ based on information collected during many interviews with the LA County officials responsible for the approval and enforcement of filming permits. The FAQ may be the most authoritative description of County filming policy available anywhere.

Proposed guidelines for neighbors who host an on-location film shoot

Proposed guidelines for issuing a filming permits in Altadena

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