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Altadena Filming Map

The Altadena Filming Frequency Map portrays 10 years of filming activity in Altadena and the unincorporated neighborhoods in adjacent zip codes. The data was derived from filming permits
issued by LA County's filming permit service, FilmL.A.

For an account of how the data was acquired see

The map illustrates two types of filming activity: filming at individual locations and filming on area streets and grids. Scaled location markers are used to show varying levels of filming activity.

The source data for the map is available at

By clicking on an individual location marker, a dialog box will appear with the following information:

    Click here to expand the map.

    Information attached to each orange location marker
    ·         Street address of the filming location
    ·         Number of production days since 2008 (includes prep days, film days and strike days
    ·         Type of location (e.g. "private residence")
    ·         Frequency category where categories defined as follows:
    o    Category 1: 1-14 production days
    o    Category 2: 15-50 production days
    o    Category 3: 51-100 production days
    o    Category 4: 101-150 production days
    o    Category 5: over 150 production days
    Information attached to each blue street/grid marker
    ·         Street(s) used for filming
    ·         Number of production days since 2008 (includes prep days, film days and strike days
    ·         Type of location (e.g. "street, grid, road, ...")
    ·         Frequency category where categories defined as follows:
    o    Category 1: 1-4 production days
    o    Category 2: 5-8 production days
    o    Category 3: 9-12 production days
    o    Category 4: 13-126 production days
    o    Category 5: over 27 production days

    A few 10-year filming statistics derived from the map data (zip codes: 91001, 91104, 91107):
    • Total individual locations: 1,030
    • Total number of production days (prep, film, strike): 12,309
    • On-average production day frequency: 1,200 days/year, 100 days/month, 20 days/week, 4 productions/day
    • Busiest location: Mountain View Cemetery (1,096 production days)
    • Concentration of filming activity: 50% of production occurred in 64 locations (i.e. 6.2% of all locations) (Note: excludes filming activity at the Mountain View Cemetery)
      Number of individual locations with more than 50 production days: 36 (Note: excludes filming activity at the Mountain View Cemetery)
    • Number of locations that averaged more than 14 production days per year: 14
      (Note: excludes filming activity at the Mountain View Cemetery)
    Coming this Fall: The Altadena Filming Frequency Map will be upgraded. Each location will include a clickable link showing the filming history at each location for the past 10 years.

    Note: The now out-dated "Film Permit Map" is still available for comparison.

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