In a recent posting, our neighbor Brian related an incident where a producer threatened to stop his construction project.
Out of curiosity, I asked Arturo Pina at FilmLA what they would do in this circumstance. He provided a thoughtful reply and some useful advice. Here's what he said
"We would need to get more information on the production, what was relayed, etc. Again, that’s why I can’t stress enough that impacted parties need to contact us. We can’t mitigate the situation after the fact. Our protocol includes getting into dialogue so that issues can be rectified immediately. While we cannot get involved in any conversations regarding compensation and/or agreements made between parties, we can and do work to clarify what the issue is and work with the production so that they may have an opportunity to mitigate.
"As you know we need to gather information from all parties as sometimes what’s relayed can get lost in translation. Add that we would need to clarify what was provided on the permit as far as activity goes. In my experience, typically arrangements are made between productions and other residents so that accommodations are made. We’ve been extremely successful when issues are brought to our attention and productions are made aware and adjustments are made. I know you’re not a fan of the “reactionary” system, but as you’ve seen, some crews are great and some are in need of some help. We are here to remind the crews that require assistance that they have responsibilities that go beyond what’s on the permit and that includes being a great guest.
"Also, we have neighborhoods wherein residents let us know that they will be doing construction or county will advise when municipal projects are scheduled. Anyone can let us know if they are planning work in neighborhoods that are traditionally utilized for on-location filming. We can place notes in our system that relay dates, work, etc. so that crews are given advanced notice and have the opportunity to clarify whether schedules can be rearranged and/or whether their work can be completed under the circumstances.
"Either way, there are options and folks always have the opportunity to engage us and the production in creating what those options are.
Thanks again,
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